Success stories

Success stories of Kemijärvi businesses

Pyhäsafaris Programme Services (TT Haikoset Oy)

Kemijärvi-based Pyhäsafaris Programme Services offers snowmobile safaris, ice karting, and other guided winter activities and equipment rental in Pyhätunturi. The company has grown and expanded over the years and has been successful. The company is currently in the process of launching fishing guiding products and boat trips in the Eastern Lapland region. Business Kemijärvi has assisted the entrepreneur in situations of change and growth, for example by helping to apply for development and investment funding.

For entrepreneur Tommi Haikose, the seasonal nature of the tourism industry suits him well. He is already used to the fact that when there is a lot of work to do, there is a lot of work to be done. During the quieter times, you concentrate on developing your business and on the things that are important to you. The entrepreneur’s favourite place is his home on Halosenranta, but the Kemijärvi waterfront and the numerous sandy beaches are important to him.

Home care Ulpukka

The values of Ulpukka Home Care are individuality, urgency, quality and authenticity, and all these values are reflected in the work of the staff. Karoliina Gröötilä founded Home Care Ulpuka in 2019, just before the coronation. The idea to start Kotihoito Ulpuka was born during Karoliina’s entrepreneurship course at her Master’s degree. Karoliina’s husband had read the business plan from the entrepreneurship course and said, “Here you have a ready-made business! The business is named after the family summer cottage.

The pandemic did not hamper the start of the new business, but partly because of it, more work appeared. Since the start, the company has grown considerably. The entrepreneur’s own job description has changed since the start of the company and much of the work is now done as a front man.

Home Care Ulpukka’s mission is to support clients’ functional ability and brain health. An individual plan is made with each client to determine what home care services the client needs and wants. A wide range of services are offered, from medical and health care to home care for families with children, as well as outdoor and shopping assistance. The minimum service time is one hour, which allows time to really be with the client and to ask questions and listen to what they have to say.

One of the most recent expansions has been the start of daytime activities at the Kemijärvi artists’ residence. This was preceded by contacting a Business Kemijärvi expert, with whom profitability calculations for the new activity had been made and a space solution considered. Through the expert, the Foundation for Sculpture and Culture was found, which rented the centrally located premises to Ulpukka.

Tmi Jarmo Palojärvi

Jarmo Palojärvi is now a successful fisherman in Kemijärvi. His business includes both summer and winter fishing, and he catches fish in nets, seines, traps and catfish. The professional fisherman’s job description also includes a wide range of other activities: the catch is processed according to the customer’s wishes and needs, i.e. either filleted, or made into fish pulp or cubes. Customers include restaurants, catering kitchens, fish markets and private individuals. The entrepreneur himself handles the sales and marketing of his products, with logistical services being organised in cooperation with local companies. At the heart of the business is close and effective cooperation between fishermen. Their common goal is now to increase the added value.

Tmi Jarmo Palojärvi started with Business Kemijärvi at a time when large-scale commercial fishing in Kemijärvi had practically dried up. Business Kemijärvi has therefore implemented several development projects aimed at restoring and developing the fishing industry, in particular with the support of Kala-Leader. Kemijärvi now has several first-class commercial fishermen alongside Palojärvi. Nowadays, in addition to his main job, Mr Palojärvi also has a role on the board of Business Kemijärvi, promoting new entrepreneurs and other sectors, drawing on his own experience and lessons learned.

Thanks to professional fishermen, customers and the development work done, demand for local fish is very high – virtually all the fish caught is sold in advance to customers. The City of Kemijärvi has been a strong supporter by buying local fish, showing a genuine appreciation for local food. As a processing facility, the professional fishermen use the Business Kemijärvi Kalahalli.

Koillis-Tarvike Oy is a genuine family business

In April 2021, the family business Koillis-Tarvike Oy was opened in Kemijärvi.The managing director of Koillis-Tarvike is 27-year-old Sami Nyyssönen. Sami’s father, Jari Nyyssönen, is also a shareholder and works in the company, along with other family members.

The most important supplier is IKH. In addition, Koillis-Tarvike has other well-known suppliers of goods and equipment, such as Honda, Suomi boats and Ehco saws. Even before starting his own business, Father Jari had long experience in sales, especially of IKH products. Sami had also worked for many years, despite his young age, both in IKH stores and in other accessory shops in Kemijärvi and Oulu.

The sector of my own company was a natural choice. Sam had been thinking about becoming an entrepreneur for a long time. The timing finally fell into place, partly by chance. He has been interested in economics and economic development from a young age, and has followed the activities and performance of listed companies. Entrepreneurship was a natural way of working.

Based on their experience, entrepreneurs stress the importance of a business plan. It should include detailed operational and financial plans, and should be carefully prepared. Even with the help of external experts, the writing of plans and financial calculations should still be done by the entrepreneur, as it helps to better internalise the business opportunities and risks.

It is also important to pay sufficient and genuine attention to the implementation of the business idea at the design stage. The entrepreneurs of Koillis-Tarvike wrote in their business plan that “the success of the business is based on the strong industry experience of the entrepreneurs and staff, identifying and meeting customer needs and demand, responding to service needs, and providing open, knowledgeable and fair customer service”. It is not enough just to sign up, but to stick to the service promise and act accordingly.