Choose Kemijärvi

Kemijärvi; an attractive business environment

Kemijärvi’s magnificent nature offers endless opportunities for nature-based business – from forest industry to tourism and energy production, not forgetting natural products. Combined with good logistical connections, growing tourism and, for example, the economic potential of NATO membership, the whole is even greater.

In a compact and business-friendly city, it is also easy to reach officials to discuss investment or other cooperation. Innovation and growth are also supported by the region’s educational institutions and motivated workforce. Good public services, recreational opportunities and a vibrant cultural scene also ensure that workers feel comfortable in a city the size of a human being, where time is not wasted waiting in line. People, nature and work are equally close together.

Excellent accessibility

Kemijärvi is the gateway to the north, offering excellent logistical connections for business. Rail and road networks connect us not only domestically but also directly to northern Europe. Land connections to Sweden and Norway are just waiting to be exploited on a large scale. Business travel from Kemijärvi to the rest of Finland, Europe or even further afield is also relatively easy and fast. Lapland as a province is much more international than many would think – you can even do business abroad without travelling. And no, there was no Lapland added.

Kemijärvi is also the centre of Eastern Lapland, from where you can reach up to five different tourist and ski resorts within an hour’s travel time. An hour away is also the international provincial centre and one of Finland’s busiest airports – from where you can fly to Helsinki-Vantaa in about an hour. Alternatively, you can also take the direct night train to the capital. A car or even a snowmobile is also conveniently available.

Versatile office and production facilities

As a traditional industrial site surrounded by water and raw materials, we offer both suitable industrial sites and comprehensive business services. Both the city and private operators have a wide range of plots and properties to offer for business activities. The planned investment in power plants in the area will further improve the conditions for energy-intensive business activities.

In addition to buildings in working condition, there are also buildings that can be renovated and customised to suit your business with a small additional investment. Business Kemijärvi can help you find a suitable plot or property for your business. We can also provide you with a shared right to use a fish hall or a natural products kitchen.

A skilled and committed workforce

In an ageing Finland, labour availability and retention are already a challenge. The same challenges inevitably face Kemijärvi, but for now the situation is relatively good. A motivated workforce is available to meet the needs of companies both in the city and in the surrounding areas. The local workforce is also highly committed, so staff turnover in companies is typically low.

The low threshold and close interaction with local TE actors help in finding the right workforce. The region also has a wealth of expertise and experience in recruiting foreign labour. Cooperation with vocational training institutions ensures that agile, effective and business-oriented solutions to training needs are always available.

The city’s good services, unhurried atmosphere and closeness to nature allow staff to strike a good balance between hectic work and relaxed everyday life.

For more information:

Jukka Rinne Managing Director +358 (0)40 562 5615

Jari Polvi Enterprise and Project Specialist +358 (0)40 734 4152

Maria Kiviniemi Enterprise and Project Specialist +358 (0)40 550 5986