Natural product farms

Natural products farm

Address of the natural product farm: seminaarinkatu 10, 98120 Kemijärvi

Kemijärvi has extensive opportunities for entrepreneurship in the natural products sector.

Business Kemijärvi offers support and assistance to those planning to start a business and those who have made the decision to start a business. BK advises entrepreneurs on, among other things, financing opportunities. In addition, BK rents out the Natural Products Space, where businesses can be run with a low threshold. The premises are located in Särkikankaa, Seminaarinkatu 10.

The natural product space currently has one entrepreneur, so there is plenty of room for more users. The rent is 372e/month (price incl. VAT 24%) and if you need the space only part of the time (max 50%/month) the rent is 217e/month (price incl. VAT 24%). The rent includes space for a fridge and a freezer, and more can be rented for an additional fee if required.

The equipment is comprehensive; in addition to the normal equipment of a commercial kitchen, there is a 40 l water pressure cooker, a grinder, a plate filter, a guitar cutter, two double-burner industrial ovens, a 100 l tilting pot, a 100 l vegetable drier, an industrial stove, a small cutter, an industrial bowl cutter, a 30 l universal machine, a whipping press, a bag sealer and a chamber vacuum machine.

Neither nuts nor gluten are handled in the natural product facility.

Natural product farm brochure pdf

Contact us!

Maria Kiviniemi
Enterprise and Project Specialist
+358 (0)40 550 5986

Jari Polvi
Enterprise and Project Specialist
+358 (0)40 734 4152